DSGPT: Domain-specific Generative Pre-training Of Transformers For Text Generation In E-commerce Title And Review Summarization · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

DSGPT: Domain-specific Generative Pre-training Of Transformers For Text Generation In E-commerce Title And Review Summarization

Zhang Xueying, Jiang Yunjiang, Shang Yue, Cheng Zhaomeng, Zhang Chi, Fan Xiaochuan, Xiao Yun, Long Bo. SIGIR 2021

Applications Fine Tuning GPT Language Modeling Model Architecture Pretraining Methods Survey Paper Training Techniques Transformer

We propose a novel domain-specific generative pre-training (DS-GPT) method for text generation and apply it to the product titleand review summarization problems on E-commerce mobile display.First, we adopt a decoder-only transformer architecture, which fitswell for fine-tuning tasks by combining input and output all to-gether. Second, we demonstrate utilizing only small amount of pre-training data in related domains is powerful. Pre-training a languagemodel from a general corpus such as Wikipedia or the CommonCrawl requires tremendous time and resource commitment, andcan be wasteful if the downstream tasks are limited in variety. OurDSGPT is pre-trained on a limited dataset, the Chinese short textsummarization dataset (LCSTS). Third, our model does not requireproduct-related human-labeled data. For title summarization task,the state of art explicitly uses additional background knowledgein training and predicting stages. In contrast, our model implic-itly captures this knowledge and achieves significant improvementover other methods, after fine-tuning on the public Taobao.comdataset. For review summarization task, we utilize JD.com in-housedataset, and observe similar improvement over standard machinetranslation methods which lack the flexibility of fine-tuning. Ourproposed work can be simply extended to other domains for a widerange of text generation tasks.

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