Few-shot Generative Conversational Query Rewriting · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Few-shot Generative Conversational Query Rewriting

Yu Shi, Liu Jiahua, Yang Jingqin, Xiong Chenyan, Bennett Paul, Gao Jianfeng, Liu Zhiyuan. Arxiv 2020

Applications Few Shot GPT Model Architecture Pretraining Methods Training Techniques

Conversational query rewriting aims to reformulate a concise conversational query to a fully specified, context-independent query that can be effectively handled by existing information retrieval systems. This paper presents a few-shot generative approach to conversational query rewriting. We develop two methods, based on rules and self-supervised learning, to generate weak supervision data using large amounts of ad hoc search sessions, and to fine-tune GPT-2 to rewrite conversational queries. On the TREC Conversational Assistance Track, our weakly supervised GPT-2 rewriter improves the state-of-the-art ranking accuracy by 12%, only using very limited amounts of manual query rewrites. In the zero-shot learning setting, the rewriter still gives a comparable result to previous state-of-the-art systems. Our analyses reveal that GPT-2 effectively picks up the task syntax and learns to capture context dependencies, even for hard cases that involve group references and long-turn dependencies.

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