Hard-coded Gaussian Attention For Neural Machine Translation · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Hard-coded Gaussian Attention For Neural Machine Translation

You Weiqiu, Sun Simeng, Iyyer Mohit. Arxiv 2020

Applications Attention Mechanism Model Architecture Pretraining Methods Transformer

Recent work has questioned the importance of the Transformer’s multi-headed attention for achieving high translation quality. We push further in this direction by developing a “hard-coded” attention variant without any learned parameters. Surprisingly, replacing all learned self-attention heads in the encoder and decoder with fixed, input-agnostic Gaussian distributions minimally impacts BLEU scores across four different language pairs. However, additionally hard-coding cross attention (which connects the decoder to the encoder) significantly lowers BLEU, suggesting that it is more important than self-attention. Much of this BLEU drop can be recovered by adding just a single learned cross attention head to an otherwise hard-coded Transformer. Taken as a whole, our results offer insight into which components of the Transformer are actually important, which we hope will guide future work into the development of simpler and more efficient attention-based models.

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