React Meets Actre: When Language Agents Enjoy Training Data Autonomy · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

React Meets Actre: When Language Agents Enjoy Training Data Autonomy

Yang Zonghan, Li Peng, Yan Ming, Zhang Ji, Huang Fei, Liu Yang. Arxiv 2024

Agentic Fine Tuning GPT Model Architecture Pretraining Methods Prompting RAG Reinforcement Learning Tools Training Techniques

Language agents have demonstrated autonomous decision-making abilities by reasoning with foundation models. Recently, efforts have been made to train language agents for performance improvement, with multi-step reasoning and action trajectories as the training data. However, collecting such trajectories still requires considerable human effort, by either artificial annotation or implementations of diverse prompting frameworks. In this work, we propose A\(^3\)T, a framework that enables the Autonomous Annotation of Agent Trajectories in the style of ReAct. The central role is an ActRe prompting agent, which explains the reason for an arbitrary action. When randomly sampling an external action, the ReAct-style agent could query the ActRe agent with the action to obtain its textual rationales. Novel trajectories are then synthesized by prepending the posterior reasoning from ActRe to the sampled action. In this way, the ReAct-style agent executes multiple trajectories for the failed tasks, and selects the successful ones to supplement its failed trajectory for contrastive self-training. Realized by policy gradient methods with binarized rewards, the contrastive self-training with accumulated trajectories facilitates a closed loop for multiple rounds of language agent self-improvement. We conduct experiments using QLoRA fine-tuning with the open-sourced Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2. In AlfWorld, the agent trained with A\(^3\)T obtains a 1-shot success rate of 96%, and 100% success with 4 iterative rounds. In WebShop, the 1-shot performance of the A\(^3\)T agent matches human average, and 4 rounds of iterative refinement lead to the performance approaching human experts. A\(^3\)T agents significantly outperform existing techniques, including prompting with GPT-4, advanced agent frameworks, and fully fine-tuned LLMs.

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