F-LMM: Grounding Frozen Large Multimodal Models · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

F-LMM: Grounding Frozen Large Multimodal Models

Wu Size, Jin Sheng, Zhang Wenwei, Xu Lumin, Liu Wentao, Li Wei, Loy Chen Change. Arxiv 2024

Attention Mechanism Fine Tuning Model Architecture Multimodal Models Reinforcement Learning

Endowing Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) with visual grounding capability can significantly enhance AIs’ understanding of the visual world and their interaction with humans. However, existing methods typically fine-tune the parameters of LMMs to learn additional segmentation tokens and overfit grounding and segmentation datasets. Such a design would inevitably cause a catastrophic diminution in the indispensable conversational capability of general AI assistants. In this paper, we comprehensively evaluate state-of-the-art grounding LMMs across a suite of multimodal question-answering benchmarks, observing pronounced performance drops that indicate vanishing general knowledge comprehension and weakened instruction following ability. To address this issue, we present F-LMM – grounding frozen off-the-shelf LMMs in human-AI conversations – a straightforward yet effective design based on the fact that word-pixel correspondences conducive to visual grounding inherently exist in the attention weights of well-trained LMMs. Using only a few trainable CNN layers, we can translate word-pixel attention weights to mask logits, which a SAM-based mask refiner can further optimise. Our F-LMM neither learns special segmentation tokens nor utilises high-quality grounded instruction-tuning data, but achieves competitive performance on referring expression segmentation and panoptic narrative grounding benchmarks while completely preserving LMMs’ original conversational ability. Additionally, with instruction-following ability preserved and grounding ability obtained, our F-LMM can perform visual chain-of-thought reasoning and better resist object hallucinations.

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