Dodrio: Exploring Transformer Models With Interactive Visualization · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Dodrio: Exploring Transformer Models With Interactive Visualization

Wang Zijie J., Turko Robert, Chau Duen Horng. Arxiv 2021

Attention Mechanism Model Architecture Pretraining Methods Transformer

Why do large pre-trained transformer-based models perform so well across a wide variety of NLP tasks? Recent research suggests the key may lie in multi-headed attention mechanism’s ability to learn and represent linguistic information. Understanding how these models represent both syntactic and semantic knowledge is vital to investigate why they succeed and fail, what they have learned, and how they can improve. We present Dodrio, an open-source interactive visualization tool to help NLP researchers and practitioners analyze attention mechanisms in transformer-based models with linguistic knowledge. Dodrio tightly integrates an overview that summarizes the roles of different attention heads, and detailed views that help users compare attention weights with the syntactic structure and semantic information in the input text. To facilitate the visual comparison of attention weights and linguistic knowledge, Dodrio applies different graph visualization techniques to represent attention weights scalable to longer input text. Case studies highlight how Dodrio provides insights into understanding the attention mechanism in transformer-based models. Dodrio is available at

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