Multilingual NMT With A Language-independent Attention Bridge · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Multilingual NMT With A Language-independent Attention Bridge

Vázquez Raúl, Raganato Alessandro, Tiedemann Jörg, Creutz Mathias. Proceedings of the 2018

Attention Mechanism Fine Tuning Model Architecture Tools Training Techniques Transformer

In this paper, we propose a multilingual encoder-decoder architecture capable of obtaining multilingual sentence representations by means of incorporating an intermediate {\em attention bridge} that is shared across all languages. That is, we train the model with language-specific encoders and decoders that are connected via self-attention with a shared layer that we call attention bridge. This layer exploits the semantics from each language for performing translation and develops into a language-independent meaning representation that can efficiently be used for transfer learning. We present a new framework for the efficient development of multilingual NMT using this model and scheduled training. We have tested the approach in a systematic way with a multi-parallel data set. We show that the model achieves substantial improvements over strong bilingual models and that it also works well for zero-shot translation, which demonstrates its ability of abstraction and transfer learning.

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