CLIP Models Are Few-shot Learners: Empirical Studies On VQA And Visual Entailment · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

CLIP Models Are Few-shot Learners: Empirical Studies On VQA And Visual Entailment

Song Haoyu, Dong Li, Zhang Wei-nan, Liu Ting, Wei Furu. Arxiv 2022

Applications Few Shot Fine Tuning Multimodal Models Pretraining Methods RAG Training Techniques

CLIP has shown a remarkable zero-shot capability on a wide range of vision tasks. Previously, CLIP is only regarded as a powerful visual encoder. However, after being pre-trained by language supervision from a large amount of image-caption pairs, CLIP itself should also have acquired some few-shot abilities for vision-language tasks. In this work, we empirically show that CLIP can be a strong vision-language few-shot learner by leveraging the power of language. We first evaluate CLIP’s zero-shot performance on a typical visual question answering task and demonstrate a zero-shot cross-modality transfer capability of CLIP on the visual entailment task. Then we propose a parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategy to boost the few-shot performance on the vqa task. We achieve competitive zero/few-shot results on the visual question answering and visual entailment tasks without introducing any additional pre-training procedure.

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