EAGLE: Speculative Sampling Requires Rethinking Feature Uncertainty · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

EAGLE: Speculative Sampling Requires Rethinking Feature Uncertainty

Li Yuhui, Wei Fangyun, Zhang Chao, Zhang Hongyang. Arxiv 2024

Applications Efficiency And Optimization GPT Pretraining Methods Tools

Autoregressive decoding makes the inference of Large Language Models (LLMs) time-consuming. In this paper, we reconsider speculative sampling and derive two key observations. Firstly, autoregression at the feature (second-to-top-layer) level is more straightforward than at the token level. Secondly, the inherent uncertainty in feature (second-to-top-layer) level autoregression constrains its performance. Based on these insights, we introduce EAGLE (Extrapolation Algorithm for Greater Language-model Efficiency), a simple yet highly efficient speculative sampling framework. By incorporating a token sequence advanced by one time step, EAGLE effectively resolves the uncertainty, enabling precise second-to-top-layer feature prediction with minimal overhead. We conducted comprehensive evaluations of EAGLE, including all models from the Vicuna and LLaMA2-Chat series, the MoE model Mixtral 8x7B Instruct, and tasks in dialogue, code generation, mathematical reasoning, and instruction following. For LLaMA2-Chat 70B, EAGLE achieved a latency speedup ratio of 2.7x-3.5x, doubled throughput, while maintaining the distribution of the generated text.

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