Lion: Adversarial Distillation Of Proprietary Large Language Models · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Lion: Adversarial Distillation Of Proprietary Large Language Models

Jiang Yuxin, Chan Chunkit, Chen Mingyang, Wang Wei. Arxiv 2023

[Paper] [Code]    
Attention Mechanism Distillation Efficiency And Optimization GPT Has Code Model Architecture Prompting RAG Reinforcement Learning Security Tools Training Techniques

The practice of transferring knowledge from a sophisticated, proprietary large language model (LLM) to a compact, open-source LLM has garnered considerable attention. Previous works have focused on a unidirectional knowledge distillation way by aligning the responses of the student model with those of the teacher model to a set of instructions. Nevertheless, they overlooked the possibility of incorporating any reciprocal “feedback”–identifying challenging instructions where the student model’s performance falls short–to boost the student model’s proficiency iteratively. To this end, we propose a novel adversarial distillation framework for a more efficient knowledge transfer. Leveraging the versatile role adaptability of LLMs, we prompt the teacher model to identify “hard” instructions and generate new “hard” instructions for the student model, creating a three-stage adversarial loop of imitation, discrimination, and generation. By applying this adversarial framework, we successfully transfer knowledge from ChatGPT to a student model (named Lion), using a mere 70k training data. Our results show that Lion-13B not only achieves comparable open-ended generation capabilities to ChatGPT but surpasses conventional state-of-the-art (SOTA) instruction-tuned models like Vicuna-13B by 55.4% in challenging zero-shot reasoning benchmarks such as BIG-Bench Hard (BBH) and 16.7% on AGIEval. Code and model can be found at

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