Antidote: Post-fine-tuning Safety Alignment For Large Language Models Against Harmful Fine-tuning · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Antidote: Post-fine-tuning Safety Alignment For Large Language Models Against Harmful Fine-tuning

Huang Tiansheng, Bhattacharya Gautam, Joshi Pratik, Kimball Josh, Liu Ling. Arxiv 2024

Efficiency And Optimization Fine Tuning Pretraining Methods Pruning Reinforcement Learning Responsible AI Security Training Techniques

Safety aligned Large Language Models (LLMs) are vulnerable to harmful fine-tuning attacks \cite{qi2023fine}– a few harmful data mixed in the fine-tuning dataset can break the LLMs’s safety alignment. Existing mitigation strategies include alignment stage solutions \cite{huang2024vaccine, rosati2024representation} and fine-tuning stage solutions \cite{huang2024lazy,mukhoti2023fine}. However, our evaluation shows that both categories of defenses fail \textit{when some specific training hyper-parameters are chosen} – a large learning rate or a large number of training epochs in the fine-tuning stage can easily invalidate the defense, which however, is necessary to guarantee finetune performance. To this end, we propose Antidote, a post-fine-tuning stage solution, which remains \textbf{\textit{agnostic to the training hyper-parameters in the fine-tuning stage}}. Antidote relies on the philosophy that by removing the harmful parameters, the harmful model can be recovered from the harmful behaviors, regardless of how those harmful parameters are formed in the fine-tuning stage. With this philosophy, we introduce a one-shot pruning stage after harmful fine-tuning to remove the harmful weights that are responsible for the generation of harmful content. Despite its embarrassing simplicity, empirical results show that Antidote can reduce harmful score while maintaining accuracy on downstream tasks.Our project page is at \url{}

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