Boosting Lossless Speculative Decoding Via Feature Sampling And Partial Alignment Distillation · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Boosting Lossless Speculative Decoding Via Feature Sampling And Partial Alignment Distillation

Gui Lujun, Xiao Bin, Su Lei, Chen Weipeng. Arxiv 2024

Applications Distillation Efficiency And Optimization RAG Tools Training Techniques

Lossless speculative decoding accelerates target large language model (LLM) inference by employing a lightweight draft model for generating tree-structured candidates, which are subsequently verified in parallel by the target LLM. Currently, effective approaches leverage feature-level rather than token-level autoregression within the draft model to facilitate more straightforward predictions and enhanced knowledge distillation. In this paper, we reassess these approaches and propose FSPAD (Feature Sampling and Partial Alignment Distillation for Lossless Speculative Decoding), which introduces two straightforward and effective components within the existing framework to boost lossless speculative decoding. Firstly, FSPAD utilizes token embeddings to sample features of the target LLM in high-dimensional space before feeding them into the draft model, due to the inherent uncertainty of the features preventing the draft model from obtaining the specific token output by the target LLM. Secondly, FSPAD introduces partial alignment distillation to weaken the draft model’s connection between features and logits, aiming to reduce the conflict between feature alignment and logit confidence during training. Our experiments include both greedy and non-greedy decoding on the largest and smallest models from the Vicuna and LLaMA3-Instruct series, as well as tasks in multi-turn conversation, translation, summarization, question answering, mathematical reasoning, and retrieval-augmented generation. The results show that FSPAD outperforms the state-of-the-art method across all the aforementioned tasks and target LLMs.

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