Breaking The Length Barrier: Llm-enhanced CTR Prediction In Long Textual User Behaviors · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Breaking The Length Barrier: Llm-enhanced CTR Prediction In Long Textual User Behaviors

Geng Binzong, Huan Zhaoxin, Zhang Xiaolu, He Yong, Zhang Liang, Yuan Fajie, Zhou Jun, Mo Linjian. Arxiv 2024

Efficiency And Optimization Model Architecture RAG Reinforcement Learning TACL Training Techniques Uncategorized

With the rise of large language models (LLMs), recent works have leveraged LLMs to improve the performance of click-through rate (CTR) prediction. However, we argue that a critical obstacle remains in deploying LLMs for practical use: the efficiency of LLMs when processing long textual user behaviors. As user sequences grow longer, the current efficiency of LLMs is inadequate for training on billions of users and items. To break through the efficiency barrier of LLMs, we propose Behavior Aggregated Hierarchical Encoding (BAHE) to enhance the efficiency of LLM-based CTR modeling. Specifically, BAHE proposes a novel hierarchical architecture that decouples the encoding of user behaviors from inter-behavior interactions. Firstly, to prevent computational redundancy from repeated encoding of identical user behaviors, BAHE employs the LLM’s pre-trained shallow layers to extract embeddings of the most granular, atomic user behaviors from extensive user sequences and stores them in the offline database. Subsequently, the deeper, trainable layers of the LLM facilitate intricate inter-behavior interactions, thereby generating comprehensive user embeddings. This separation allows the learning of high-level user representations to be independent of low-level behavior encoding, significantly reducing computational complexity. Finally, these refined user embeddings, in conjunction with correspondingly processed item embeddings, are incorporated into the CTR model to compute the CTR scores. Extensive experimental results show that BAHE reduces training time and memory by five times for CTR models using LLMs, especially with longer user sequences. BAHE has been deployed in a real-world system, allowing for daily updates of 50 million CTR data on 8 A100 GPUs, making LLMs practical for industrial CTR prediction.

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