Recent research in neural machine translation (NMT) has shown that training on high-quality machine-generated data can outperform training on human-generated data. This work accompanies the first-ever release of a LLM-generated, MBR-decoded and QE-reranked dataset with both sentence-level and multi-sentence examples. We perform extensive experiments to demonstrate the quality of our dataset in terms of its downstream impact on NMT model performance. We find that training from scratch on our (machine-generated) dataset outperforms training on the (web-crawled) WMT’23 training dataset (which is 300 times larger), and also outperforms training on the top-quality subset of the WMT’23 training dataset. We also find that performing self-distillation by finetuning the LLM which generated this dataset outperforms the LLM’s strong few-shot baseline. These findings corroborate the quality of our dataset, and demonstrate the value of high-quality machine-generated data in improving performance of NMT models.