Enhancing Robot Program Synthesis Through Environmental Context · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Enhancing Robot Program Synthesis Through Environmental Context

Chen Tianyi, Wang Qidi, Dong Zhen, Shen Liwei, Peng Xin. Arxiv 2023

Attention Mechanism Model Architecture Security Tools Uncategorized

Program synthesis aims to automatically generate an executable program that conforms to the given specification. Recent advancements have demonstrated that deep neural methodologies and large-scale pretrained language models are highly proficient in capturing program semantics. For robot programming, prior works have facilitated program synthesis by incorporating global environments. However, the assumption of acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the entire environment is often excessively challenging to achieve. In this work, we present a framework that learns to synthesize a program by rectifying potentially erroneous code segments, with the aid of partially observed environments. To tackle the issue of inadequate attention to partial observations, we propose to first learn an environment embedding space that can implicitly evaluate the impacts of each program token based on the precondition. Furthermore, by employing a graph structure, the model can aggregate both environmental and syntactic information flow and furnish smooth program rectification guidance. Extensive experimental evaluations and ablation studies on the partially observed VizDoom domain authenticate that our method offers superior generalization capability across various tasks and greater robustness when encountering noises.

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