Genrec: Generative Sequential Recommendation With Large Language Models · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

Genrec: Generative Sequential Recommendation With Large Language Models

Cao Panfeng, Lio Pietro. Arxiv 2024

Model Architecture Pretraining Methods Prompting RAG Reinforcement Learning Transformer

Sequential recommendation is a task to capture hidden user preferences from historical user item interaction data and recommend next items for the user. Significant progress has been made in this domain by leveraging classification based learning methods. Inspired by the recent paradigm of ‘pretrain, prompt and predict’ in NLP, we consider sequential recommendation as a sequence to sequence generation task and propose a novel model named Generative Recommendation (GenRec). Unlike classification based models that learn explicit user and item representations, GenRec utilizes the sequence modeling capability of Transformer and adopts the masked item prediction objective to effectively learn the hidden bidirectional sequential patterns. Different from existing generative sequential recommendation models, GenRec does not rely on manually designed hard prompts. The input to GenRec is textual user item sequence and the output is top ranked next items. Moreover, GenRec is lightweight and requires only a few hours to train effectively in low-resource settings, making it highly applicable to real-world scenarios and helping to democratize large language models in the sequential recommendation domain. Our extensive experiments have demonstrated that GenRec generalizes on various public real-world datasets and achieves state-of-the-art results. Our experiments also validate the effectiveness of the the proposed masked item prediction objective that improves the model performance by a large margin.

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