COIG-CQIA: Quality Is All You Need For Chinese Instruction Fine-tuning · The Large Language Model Bible Contribute to LLM-Bible

COIG-CQIA: Quality Is All You Need For Chinese Instruction Fine-tuning

Bai Yuelin, Du Xinrun, Liang Yiming, Jin Yonggang, Liu Ziqiang, Zhou Junting, Zheng Tianyu, Zhang Xincheng, Ma Nuo, Wang Zekun, Yuan Ruibin, Wu Haihong, Lin Hongquan, Huang Wenhao, Zhang Jiajun, Chen Wenhu, Lin Chenghua, Fu Jie, Yang Min, Ni Shiwen, Zhang Ge. Arxiv 2024

Fine Tuning Pretraining Methods Reinforcement Learning Security Training Techniques

Recently, there have been significant advancements in large language models (LLMs), particularly focused on the English language. These advancements have enabled these LLMs to understand and execute complex instructions with unprecedented accuracy and fluency. However, despite these advancements, there remains a noticeable gap in the development of Chinese instruction tuning. The unique linguistic features and cultural depth of the Chinese language pose challenges for instruction tuning tasks. Existing datasets are either derived from English-centric LLMs or are ill-suited for aligning with the interaction patterns of real-world Chinese users. To bridge this gap, we introduce COIG-CQIA, a high-quality Chinese instruction tuning dataset. Our aim is to build a diverse, wide-ranging instruction-tuning dataset to better align model behavior with human interactions. To this end, we collect a high-quality human-written corpus from various sources on the Chinese Internet, including Q&A communities, Wikis, examinations, and existing NLP datasets. This corpus was rigorously filtered and carefully processed to form the COIG-CQIA dataset. Furthermore, we train models of various scales on different subsets of CQIA, following in-depth evaluation and analyses. The findings from our experiments offer valuable insights for selecting and developing Chinese instruction-tuning datasets. We also find that models trained on CQIA-Subset achieve competitive results in human assessment as well as knowledge and security benchmarks. Data are available at

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